Friday, September 16, 2011

Quilt Scrap Dress

Hey All!! Thanks for checking out my "Crafting with the Stars" entry!!

The Story: So, I am making my daughter a quilt for her 3rd birthday, (you can check it outHERE if you want), and I had a bunch of leftovers that were just too cute to throw away. When I saw the contestant auditions, I started racking my brain for what I could enter..and then it hit me! I could use my leftovers to create "fabric" for a dress to match the

birthday quilt. My almost 3 yr old will love it, I will love it, and I won't have to just throw the scraps away! So, after some configuring, and a LOT of sewing the last few it is!!

(Couldn't coax any smiles out today, she was little nervous about her debut..)

What I love about this dress:
1. It is totally bright and fun! 2. It's could make this dress with leftover scraps from any project, or hang onto clothes that get stained and cut them up into squares to create your own "fabric". 3. This dress is almost all rectangles, so you don't have to have a pattern. 4. It matches her birthday quilt...what little girl won't love that?

Thanks for looking, and I hope you love it! And I hope I get in! My mind is so busy coming up with ideas I can hardly sleep!

PS...I took a bunch of pics while I was making it, so I'll be posting a tutorial soon, so you can make one too! In case you get started before I do..just a couple hints..1. Topstitch! Topstitch your patchwork in at least one direction. It helps it lay flatter and look nicer in the finished product. 2. My dress is lined in white muslin, which made attaching the ruffles and straps at the top much easier!

Here's a quick close up of the bow knot, and maybe you can make out some topstitching..can you tell I just love it??

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